Description: Vertical Gardens are made from floral decorations on the walls of the houses, in some "pockets" made of waterproof material. The main advantage is that it does not take up as much space as a horizontal arrangement in pots would occupy. The concept has already appeared in many countries and in some areas it has already proved to be a success. Once you
have obtained the waterproof material, holes are made on the wall, then you have to set these waterproof "nests", add soil and plant the plants you want. One such service is charged per vertical garden square meter and prices are based on size and rarity of the plants that will be planted. Here you can see an example of how to set up this garden:
have obtained the waterproof material, holes are made on the wall, then you have to set these waterproof "nests", add soil and plant the plants you want. One such service is charged per vertical garden square meter and prices are based on size and rarity of the plants that will be planted. Here you can see an example of how to set up this garden:
Resources needed: - documentation regarding the materials
- Importing waterproof "nests" or a similar insulating material
- Importing waterproof "nests" or a similar insulating material
- Creation of a model gardens portfolio to work with
- Promotion of the service (on/offline)
Pros: - Small investment
- There seems to be a big enough interest for such arrangements
- Customer advantages: space saving, much more aesthetic than conventional pots, waterproof material prevent water leaking on the surfaces of wall or furniture in the room.
- A very easy making process
Cons: - if there is good and effective advertizing, this business does not have disadvantages
Conclusion: It is a business with a small investment; the profit is directly proportional to the involvement, interest and promotion of the service.
- Promotion of the service (on/offline)
Pros: - Small investment
- There seems to be a big enough interest for such arrangements
- Customer advantages: space saving, much more aesthetic than conventional pots, waterproof material prevent water leaking on the surfaces of wall or furniture in the room.
- A very easy making process
Cons: - if there is good and effective advertizing, this business does not have disadvantages
Conclusion: It is a business with a small investment; the profit is directly proportional to the involvement, interest and promotion of the service.